
Investors' guide

  1. Registering for a Demo account with ZuluTrade
  2. Registering for a Real account with ZuluTrade
  3. Real Account Types: Classic vs Profit Sharing
Register for free account

  1. Registering for a Demo account with ZuluTrade

    The best way to get to know what ZuluTrade is all about is via a Demo account. ZuluTrade offers free Demo accounts with exactly the same functionality as Real accounts. This means that you can try out ZuluTrade risk-free and experiment with different Traders / Traders' Combos and settings, so as to find the exact combinations that best tailor your needs before investing any real funds!

    • Demo is designed to provide the same experience as your Real account, irrespective to your selected Broker
    • Fully customizable account properties - select the account type, base currency, leverage and balance you wish.
    • Rates accurately represent the market at all times
    • Comprehensive Stop Out level at 100%

    In order to register for a Demo account, please click here.

  2. Registering for a Real account with ZuluTrade

    In order to open a Real account with our revolutionary trading platform, please visit our website and click on the Register button. From there you will be prompted to open a Demo or a Real account; please select the Create a new Real account option. You will then be prompted to choose your account type (Classic or Profit Sharing) and select one of our supported brokerage firms.
    After you have selected a Broker, you will be asked to indicate if you already have an account with them or if you wish to open a new account now. Depending on each case, you will be redirected to the Broker’s website and given instructions on how to proceed and fill in the requested information accordingly.
    In case that you already have an active broker account and provided that everything is submitted correctly and filled out properly, the setup process generally takes about 20 minutes for Profit Sharing Accounts and few hours for classic accounts. If you don't have an active account at the broker, your account will be active at ZuluTrade 24 to 48 hours after your broker receives your deposit and LOD (note: LOD is only required for classic accounts). We will send you the login details for your ZuluTrade account immediately after your account is fully setup and funded through your Broker. If you haven’t received your ZuluTrade account login details within the specified timeframe, please contact your Broker directly to ensure that your application is complete and that all the required documents and funds have been received and approved.
    Please note that parameters such as minimum deposit for account opening, account trading size, leverage, base currency etc. are entirely broker-related and as such it is only the Broker of your interest that can clarify them for you. For any further information about our collaborating brokers, please feel free to contact our Sales department.
    Please note that with most of our supported brokerage firms you can open an account from as little as $300. To maintain your account connected with ZuluTrade after activation, you must have a balance of $100. For further details on account funding please do not hesitate to contact our Sales department.

  3. Real Account Types: Classic vs Profit Sharing

    With Classic Accounts, you may perform both, manual and copy-trading. You will need to connect your Broker trading platform (ZTP, MT4 or MT5) with ZuluTrade in order to start trading. This account type is recommended for Advanced users.
    In addition to creating a Traders’ portfolio, you will need to customize your portfolio settings (simple and advanced). You may manage your account, update your trading signals, close trades, lock a Trader or your trades and have access to advanced features.
    On the other hand, Profit sharing accounts are destined to copy-trading through ZuluTrade Platform. This account type is recommended for any user, novice or advanced, since you may start trading by selecting the Traders or Traders' Combos + you wish to follow and by setting your capital protection amount. Easy and simple way to trade without any experience required.
    In the case you hold a Zulutrade “Profit Sharing Account”, you will be charged a monthly fixed Subscription Fee of $30 to the payment method of his/her preference. Monthly Subscription Fees are charged at the start of the calendar month and are calculated on a pro-rata basis. With Profit Sharing accounts you are aligned with your Traders, they are paid off for the profits they generate in your account while you trade with discounted commissions. On the first calendar day of each month, your PnL resulting from open and closed positions will be calculated for each Trader you have followed. Every time you have a profitable monthly PnL from a Trader, you will be charged a 25% Performance Fee. This Fee will only apply for the amount above High Water Mark (“HWM”). HWM is the maximum profit made by the Trader and it is calculated on the 1st calendar day of each month since you added the Trader to your portfolio. In case of negative monthly PnL from the Trader and/or in case of “recovering losses period” (profitable monthly PnL below HWM), no fee will apply to your account. To sum up,
    Performance Fee will apply only
    • in case of profitable monthly PnL exceeding HWM

    Performance Fee will not apply
    • in case of profitable monthly PnL below HWM – Recovering Losses Period
    • in case of negative monthly PnL

    You can review the Performance Fee on the History tab of your account.

© Copyright FXCM EU
This service is provided by Triple A Experts SA - EU Regulated, Licence # 2/540/17.2.2010
Trading spot currencies involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. Because the risk factor is high in the foreign exchange market trading, only genuine "risk" funds should be used in such trading. If you do not have the extra capital that you can afford to lose, you should not trade in the foreign exchange market. Forex Brokers and ZuluTrade are compensated for their services through the spread between the bid/ask prices or there may be a cost to initiate a trade through the bid/ask spread. Profit sharing accounts are subject to a monthly performance fee per selected trading system.
Forex trading involve a real risk of loss. No "safe" trading system has ever been devised, and no one can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program.

One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. Please check our full disclaimer.